Pyaari Saad Sangat ji
Wahe Guru ji Ka Khalsa Wahe Guru ji ki Fateh
It is quite unfortunate that this year we shall not be able to celebrate Baisakhi in a grand manner due to the obvious reason of COVID-19 pandemic, but these are trying times, with Wahe Guruji’s blessings we shall overcome this and shall all be able to meet soon.
We shall be telecasting live Baisakhi program through Zoom and we wish all to stay home only and pray. As your Health, Safety and Wellbeing is the main priority and during these uncertain times, it is important to maintain and support Social Distancing, stay at home and pray for the wellbeing of all and especially for those who are affected with this deadly virus.
Baisakhi Live telecast will be as follows:
13th April 2020
10 am to 12 noon Sahej Path bhog and Kirtan Ardas and Hukamnama.
6 pm to 8 pm Rehras Sahib Kirtan and Ardas and Hukamnama
Zoom app will be used
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 321 696 3896
Request to keep the app on mute and do the path.
May Wahe Guruji bless us all.
Wishing you all A Very Happy Baisakhi and the Birth of Khalsa Pant.
Stay Safe Stay Home